Lessonfuse helps teachers make lessonplans in less time

while ensuring all the outcomes and indicators in the syllabus are covered

Used by 800+ teachers from 187+ schools in Maldives

Constantly updating, always improving

Lessonfuse is a product that is lead by a teacher who understands the challanges teachers face. Features are added, updated and even removed on a rapid pace, based on real-world experiences and feedback from teachers. We have been evolving constantly since our intiial launch on 1, August 2023, and these are some of the features that are relevant today.

Digital Curriculum

Having the outcomes, indicators, Educational competencies, their indicators, shared values and subshared values present makes a difference in how detailed and direct a generated lesson plan can be. This is the core idea of lessonfuse and we can confirm that no other lesson planning platform / tool goes into the trouble of digitizing an entire syllabus just to make lesson planning easier.

Scheme based

When making lessonplans manually teachers create schemes and then makes lessonplans based on the schemes. We found this to be repetitive. So we combined them to save time. Teachers who follow our scheme based approach will spend 70% less time on all future lesson planning.

70% less time / lessonplan

70% of the content of lesson plans are already present within schemes. And since everything in our platform is digital we can reuse them between schemes and lessonplans unlike the manual way of doing things which would require a copy paste from the scheme to the lesson plan.


lessonfuse has its own templating tags. Teachers can simply insert these tags within a docx file to pre-fill the content of a lesson plan design that they already use within their schools. This way, instead of us deciding how lesson planning should happen, we simply integrate with your existing process.


Lessonplans require supervison by leading teachers, principals, and perheps even other authorities. Supervison makes this possible. Combining our scheme driven aproach with a supervison system, school admins can oversee and manage lesson plans made by teachers under their email domains. This can also be extended on a National level if it is required.

Feedback and Ratings

Supervison comes with an underlying feedback system which will in realtime display which teachers make great lesson plans and which teachers need help. This information can be used to make strategic decisions on how to improve the quality of lesson plans in schools. The feedback is left by the leading teachers who are assigned to supervise under the supervison system.

Re-usable activities

Activities have enough information to pre-fill 70% of the content of lesson plans. All activities generated by other teachers are made available for everyone to use. This saves time even more as choosing an activity is a lot faster than a full generation.

Lessonfuse can only be used by teachers in Maldives. If you are a teacher outside of maldives please join our global waitlist. We expect to launch globally within a few months.